Friday, October 31, 2008

Southern Banana Pudding

There are some foods which are staples in the South. Cornbread, fried chicken, grits and no gathering is complete without banana pudding! Here is an easy recipe for a culinary delight.

2 small packs or 1 large vanilla instant pudding
( I used 1 small pack of banana flavored and 1 small pack of vanilla flavored)
2 cups milk
1 tub cool whip
1 cup sour cream
vanilla wafers
sliced bananas

Mix pudding with milk until well blended and beginning to thicken. Stir in sour cream and fold in cool whip.

Layer a bowl or dish with a layer of vanilla wafers, top with part of pudding. Layer bananas and more pudding. Depending on how many vanilla wafers you like, you can add a layer of them also. End with pudding mix and place vanilla wafers around the edges of the bowl. Crush a few and sprinkle crumbs on top for decoration.

1 comment:

Laura said...

This sounds yummy. I have a recipe very similar, but instead of sour cream it calls for cream cheese. It's a wee bit fattening! :-) I can only make it when big groups of people will be around to consume it!